Saturday, July 4, 2009

The Benefits of Hiring a Defense Lawyer

Los Angeles defense lawyers are called upon when a prospective client is being charged with a case in which they must make a defense for. The can be either a civil or criminal case, but you will find that many lawyers specialize in one or the other.

The need for legal assistance is not an uncommon situation in Los Angeles, as large cities simply have more people, thus a higher chance for crimes or claims will occur. Legal offenses occur in many forms and can vary on the scale of severity, such as traffic offenses, theft, and murder. The ultimate goal of a Los Angeles attorney is to make sure that their client's story is heard and to obtain the best outcome possible, preferably in the form of an acquittal, or discharge.

A defense attorney is a necessity if you are ever charged with a crime. Not only will you have someone to lead you through the trial process, but you will have someone there to make sure that your side of the story is heard by a judge and jury. Ensuring that your story is heard by other people is a huge step in either clearing your name or getting a lesser punishment. Not only is legal assistance advised, but it's also mandatory according to the California penal code and Los Angeles municipal code.

The commission of a crime or a criminal charge levied against a person eventually involves the court. Every person is entitled to a fair trial and enjoys a presumption of innocence. This presumption includes access to competent legal counsel knowledgeable in the law. The lawyer's knowledge is used to mount a credible resistance and speak for the defendant.

Years of experience providing defense services, including criminal defense, should be on the lawyer's resume. A Los Angeles defense lawyer that is new to the area may not have the requisite knowledge of the local legal system. A lawyer that is rooted in the community, either as a single practitioner or part or a large specialty firm would be a better advocate. A former prosecutor or attorney who knows the other side of the process makes for a formidable advocate. Such an individual has the breadth of knowledge form both sides that best serves their client's interest.

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